Friday, May 31, 2013

Sorry if I haven't been blogging for the past few days. I was just very anxious about the schedule I was going to get for my next semester. I had every reason to be anxious because my schedule is so messed up it makes voldemort look like he has a nose. The plus side is it's gonna cut some of my social life off which means, study, study, study! Nerd vibes are coming back this year so you better watch your back. croo.

Tuesday, May 28, 2013

Gratitude post

Well, I'm officially 17 today. I just feel grateful for all the people who have been there with me throughout this whole journey. So, here is my gratitude post to all of the people or things that have helped me throughout my 17 years here.

Myself: Let's start with the most shallow thank you first. HAHAHA. Thank you so much for being the strong, kind-hearted person you are. I wouldn't want to anybody else but you (me, what?). Thanks for putting up with the most difficult times and never giving up even if you had every reason to. Here's to 100 more years of living and enjoying life.

God: I know I don't really fit into any religious spectrum right now but I do believe in a supreme being and wherever You are right now, Thank You. Thank You for all the hardships and pains, the joys and the triumphs; without You in my life, I wouldn't be who I am today. Thank You for giving me 17 years of beautiful memories with my friends and family.

My family: I literally wouldn't be here without you guys here. I am so grateful to have such a loving, supporting family as you guys. If you see this, I love you all so much. I wouldn't want to be in any other family than this. Can't be anymore grateful!

My friends: My second family and the people who know most of the happenings of my life. In short, my number one supporters in the world. I love them to bits and I also am their number one supporters. Thaank you, guys, for putting with me and loving me all day everyday. I wouldn't have survived high school and be the person I am today without you.

I am so full of gratitude for all these years of my life. Although it might not be the most perfect 17 years, it has been one hell of a ride. Happy Birthday to me!

Sunday, May 26, 2013

Birthday Wishes

Well, isn't there supposed to be like a burning bush of some sorts today to talk to me about being a 17 year-old starting tomorrow? Like, this magical bush would give me some guidelines on how to be 17 and not 16 anymore. While I'm still waiting for my handbook on how to be on the brink of legality, here are some things I would want for my birthday (although I know most of them will remain wishes):
Macbook Air: I have been using 11:11 wishes for the past few years for this baby but unfortunately it hasn't come near my doorstop yet or into my hands. I crey like the little bitch I am. I'm still hoping somebody gives me one in the near future (I'd be your slave if you gave me right now! No? Okay.)

Samsung Galaxy S4: Step aside, iPhone 5, this sexy mother of a device puts you to shame on so many levels, and that is the main reason why I want it. It is just magnificent. Please, please, please be mine soon.


Rihanna Concert: I think this is a more feasible gift but the VIP seats are already sold out, damn (As if I'd buy VIP tickets hahaha)! I just want to Riri in the flesh and dance to all of her beats. Dear Rihanna, if you're reading this (probably not), I hope to see you and find our love in a hopeless place backstage (no not really).


Date with David Guison: I am not giving up without a goddamn fight! Yun oh, drama! I've seen him, I've taken pictures with him, I've tweeted him (and he replies back), and I still want to get to know him better. David, you are the cutest, sexiest person I know and please, please hang out with me some time as a birthday present. PLEASE, I BEG YOU. (GUYS, JUST LOOK AT THOSE MASKELS)

Sexiness: The wish that I want the most (which is also the most impossible) is to wake up tomorrow looking sexy as hell. Oh wait, I already am lol just kidding. Kidding aside, I do wish that at the end of the semester I lose as much weight as I can, which is my birthday gift to myself and a very belated Christmas gift. I hope it does happen, though. Fingers, arms, legs, and eyes crossed.

Well, I do have simpler, more feasible wishes for my birthday and I'd be happy with just those coming true but who knows, I might actually have a fairy godmother/father and the queen is actually just 25 years old.

So, I guess the whole rulebook for being 17 isn't happening, huh? Oh well, but I'm stoked to see my friends tomorrow! 3 years left until post-teenage days, ew.

An Other Day

Think things would be different
That life becomes more refined, revolutionized
Naught happens for nothing
No awakening, nothing novel
Simply another day
Another day to arise
Another day to ponder

Think the crowd espies you
That they cease and look
Naught happens for nothing
Cars still passing, legs still walking
Candidly another day
Another day to pass
Another day to linger

Think it'd be momentous
That the stars twinkle harder, brighter
Naught happens for nothing
Dim glints, unrecognizable
Naturally another day
Another day to sulk
Another day to wander

Think today's distinct
That life shines in a radiant glow
Naught happens for nothing
Same day as yesterday, only it's not
Ordinarily a regular day
Another day to live
Another day till yonder

Saturday, May 25, 2013


I want to be thinner. Who doesn't? I just want to lose all the unwanted fat on my body to pave way for a sexier and healthier body. I just don't want people commenting about me being so heavy or how I look like a whale or whatever. I vowed to myself that by the end of my first semester of my sophomore year, I should be at least close to my ideal weight and body. Determination is key. At least I can get my thinspiration from some random guys on  tumblr and Francisco Lachowski and Erwan. Sigh, my babies. Hahaha.

I promised to myself, too, that if I lose enough weight, I'd start posting the outfits I use. Maybe in a month or two, hopefully.

For now, here are my thinspirational pictures of hot guys. HNG I WANT THEM, I MEAN THEIR BODY, OR BOTH. CROO

On chocolate and heartbreaks

Social psychologists believe that humans tend to be attracted to people of the same physical attractiveness hemisphere as they are. That can't be true unless I'm in the same realm as Zac Efron, Francisco Lachowski, or Erwan Huessaff. HAHAHA. I'm just playing.

But seriously, though, I always fall for someone who I feel is more attractive than me. Maybe that's the reason why they've never liked me back? Maybe that's why I've always been the one to start a conversation? Maybe I've put this on myself and no one's to blame but me?

I never learn, do I? I know I've been through the same I-have-a-crush-but-he-can-and-will-not-like-me-back phase so many times but I'm too stubborn not to give it up whilst I'm not hurting yet. And then when things start going out of control or if the person doesn't talk to me anymore, I wallow in my sadness. How pathetic of me.

And just recently, I took a leap of faith with this one guy, thinking maybe for once it might be different for me; maybe I wasn't the only one feeling this way.  He was such a nice, happy-go-lucky, fun, and caring person- I don't know how you stop yourself from liking him. I felt so drawn to him because he was so open with me and I was with him, too.

Everyday we would talk about how we were, what we were doing, and eventually, it would lead us to talk about whole other topics that is not more or less related to the previous one. I was really happy when we were talking. It felt like someone was actually interested with what was happening in my life. I can't help but feel that this "thing" was something more.

Then, reality slapped, no, figuratively ran me over with a truck and put me back into my senses- we were just friends and that was it. Nothing would happen between us. Reality came in the form of him on the phone. That conversation hurt so bad, I can still feel the pain that I felt when it happened. I cried myself to sleep that night, listening to the saddest goddamned songs on the planet to further complicate my already sad, broken heart.

The one thing that I appreciated about him was how he wasn't a douche about it at all. He said that we just might need some space for the next few weeks for me to let go of my feelings for him. We're still friends and we still talk, just no more of me hoping for a spark.

Well, that's how life is, I guess; You win some, you lose some. And in the war of love, I haven't been winning any of my battles.

Can I not fall in love anymore? I'd be happy living my life falling for chocolate. At least it can't break my heart, or can it?

Bella Notte

The crowd anticipated the scenery they were about to witness. Everybody was excited beyond belief, a first for the country, and a first for the world. All of the people at the football grounds- doctors, businessmen, government officials, students, and more- deviated themselves from the usual weekday schedule to achieve not just a new record, but to attain inner peace to consequently bring world peace through the event that has taken place.

"We will now begin lighting the lanterns," the host exclaimed. Each pair picked up their designated lantern and with a lit stick, they set the circular disk at the bottom of the lantern on fire filling the entire thing with air.

"Ten!" anticipation was building up.
"Eight!" everybody started shouting.
"Five!" all of the people were on their feet.
"Three!" people start raising their lanterns
"One!" Simultaneously, the crowd let go of the lit paper lanterns. It was one of the most breathtaking moments ever. All of these little orbs were floating into the sky, lighting it up all at the same time.The lanterns danced gracefully with the wind, somehow they made an unfamiliar image. Unfamiliar, but it's one of the moments in your life that you can't help but appreciate. The crowd felt peaceful, calm. They sighed, gasped, lost their voice, or cried at the sight of the lanterns in the sky. The feeling was so powerful, nobody could hold it in.

And in that moment, that very short moment, no one thought about their problems, their shortcomings, their regrets, their mistakes- all they could think about was how magical this night had become because of the array of lights, and they wouldn't give it up for anything in the world.