Sunday, May 26, 2013

Birthday Wishes

Well, isn't there supposed to be like a burning bush of some sorts today to talk to me about being a 17 year-old starting tomorrow? Like, this magical bush would give me some guidelines on how to be 17 and not 16 anymore. While I'm still waiting for my handbook on how to be on the brink of legality, here are some things I would want for my birthday (although I know most of them will remain wishes):
Macbook Air: I have been using 11:11 wishes for the past few years for this baby but unfortunately it hasn't come near my doorstop yet or into my hands. I crey like the little bitch I am. I'm still hoping somebody gives me one in the near future (I'd be your slave if you gave me right now! No? Okay.)

Samsung Galaxy S4: Step aside, iPhone 5, this sexy mother of a device puts you to shame on so many levels, and that is the main reason why I want it. It is just magnificent. Please, please, please be mine soon.


Rihanna Concert: I think this is a more feasible gift but the VIP seats are already sold out, damn (As if I'd buy VIP tickets hahaha)! I just want to Riri in the flesh and dance to all of her beats. Dear Rihanna, if you're reading this (probably not), I hope to see you and find our love in a hopeless place backstage (no not really).


Date with David Guison: I am not giving up without a goddamn fight! Yun oh, drama! I've seen him, I've taken pictures with him, I've tweeted him (and he replies back), and I still want to get to know him better. David, you are the cutest, sexiest person I know and please, please hang out with me some time as a birthday present. PLEASE, I BEG YOU. (GUYS, JUST LOOK AT THOSE MASKELS)

Sexiness: The wish that I want the most (which is also the most impossible) is to wake up tomorrow looking sexy as hell. Oh wait, I already am lol just kidding. Kidding aside, I do wish that at the end of the semester I lose as much weight as I can, which is my birthday gift to myself and a very belated Christmas gift. I hope it does happen, though. Fingers, arms, legs, and eyes crossed.

Well, I do have simpler, more feasible wishes for my birthday and I'd be happy with just those coming true but who knows, I might actually have a fairy godmother/father and the queen is actually just 25 years old.

So, I guess the whole rulebook for being 17 isn't happening, huh? Oh well, but I'm stoked to see my friends tomorrow! 3 years left until post-teenage days, ew.

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