Saturday, October 27, 2012


I've been watching The Princess Diaries a little too much lately that I've been trying to decipher the implications of this movie in a real world setting. Doesn't that sound weird to try to understand a Disney movie deeper than just being a Disney movie that makes you feel good? My weirdness is showing. But isn't that what film critics do? I mean I'm not in the position of rating something professionally but I can always put my two cents in.

The movie talks about how this girl who was always invisible in her school discovers that her father's side of the family actually rules a fictional country named Genovia. She has to learn all about becoming a princess even if she is a very clumsy and introverted person. In the end, she learns to be a little less clumsy and she speaks in front of a lot of people and she becomes the princess and she lived happily ever after. The end.

But is there always a happy ending for royals and are they always just for show and nothing more? I don't think so. I mean before all of this democracy shit was in order all over the world, most countries were under monarchs and they had to take care of everything that their kingdom ruled. Being a part of the royal family didn't only mean you had the privilege to rule over the land, you had the duty to do it. I remember Julie Andrews saying something about that in the movie and thinking that as of our generation, we see royals just enjoying the high class life without any responsibilities.

But that's not the reason of becoming a royal. It's difficult to be someone in position, especially if you don't want it. You can see it in Mia from The Princess Diaries- she doesn't want anything to do with becoming a royal in the start because she just wants to stay invisible. It just goes to show that not all girls out there are dying to become princesses plus the fact that most girls don't know what to do after becoming a princess. They think that it's all just waving and bowing and showing off and smiling. I hope that opens people's minds about wanting to become a royal. It isn't merely prestige, it's a duty.

Okay, I am honestly freaked out by this post. Please don't make fun of me. HAHAHAHA. Bye!

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