Wednesday, October 24, 2012

Oh, sleepless night

I am flustered by the fact that I can't sleep right now and I have a meeting in less than 6 hours with our high school's yearbook committee and my thoughts are in total shambles. Sigh, I don't remember consuming anything that would have resulted to me not sleeping as of the moment. I don't really mind staying up, it's just the contemplation I have every time I'm awake at this time that bothers me.

First off, I've liked someone since recently because because GAH. I don't know what's happening to me- it's either I just really like him or I'm getting desperate, but no offense to him because why wouldn't someone like him? He's really talented and smart but I'm pretty sure he's straight. Oh well. But the thing is, I've been thinking about him a whole lot these past few days than what seems as just a happy crush. I don't know if it's just me being weird or if I have so much feelings for this person. NOT GOOD, NOT GOOD. I get too emotional when it comes to liking people. Maybe that's my biggest flaw. Who knows.

Secondly, I finished The Mark of Athena! It was great and it left the reader wanting more action and exhilaration for the next book: The House of Hades. I am so excited for its release next year but for now, I have the other books to satiate my literary thirst. Next up is The Rise of Nine!

Thirdly, Apple unveiled the new iPad Mini and iMac and I'd like to get my hands on both of them! The sad thing is it would take me about 10 years to save enough money with my allowance and by that time, it would be overly obsolete. Gadget lust can't be resolved as fast as real lust because at least you can watch porn or do the dirty then there's no more lust but with gadgets, it's a whole different story. Nevertheless, I love Apple and I am guilty of being a fanboy.

Lastly, my grades are scaring me. I don't know what to expect and it's driving me nuts! I just really hope I get good grades with the remaining subjects. I also want to do well next semester especially because I have my majors already. Maybe an uno sem is impossible but a guy can dream, can't he? :)))

So much for all these thoughts. I should really go to bed. Sadly, I've tried that a bjillion times already. I do hope I get just a wink of sleep or risk fainting later today. Life seems to be going well on my sem break. More family nights to come in the next few days and I'm excited!

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