Wednesday, October 28, 2015

My kids will be raised in a secular home

My children will not know of god. or at least they won't be raised under the notion that "god is watching them" and "what you do will be judged by god." I want to be able to raise them with a moral compass that is not dictated by a higher being. It's not that I have a prejudice against people who have god/s, but the way that the children they raise may have defective moral compasses because the burden of responsibility of the action is not placed on them, but on the notion of a higher being.

The advantages of raising them in a secular home is that they make their choices because of the consequences they know will be attributed to them if they do it. Also, it gives them the choice to believe in a god or not. I won't stop them if eventually it leads them to a certain religion. I just want them to realize it by themselves instead of it being shoved in their throats.

Dear (future) kids, I hope when you grow old, you become grateful for the freedom of choice of almost everything. I want you to create your own compass in life and I hope I helped you do that.

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