Sunday, October 25, 2015

Dried Up

My emotions always seem to wreak havoc on me when I have no creative outlet to express it. Sure, I have my friends whom I appreciate for listening to me during my highs and lows, but there's something about talking to yourself (albeit in social media, where, let's face it, you are never really alone) that soothes you.

I've been doing well these past few months- juggling a hell load of org work and my last year in college, but also spending it with the best people I can think of. I'm learning more and more about myself and how to live life as another chapter of my life draws near and it's amazing how fast my college experience is going by and there are times when I just want it to stop.

But we can't do that. Life runs even if we don't. So I promised myself to have some sort of creative output to document my last few months in college. I don't know what yet but I'll keep you posted. It might be the most random things, but I wanna make an effort for it to be beautiful.

My creative juices are drying up and I need something to fill it up again. Hello, blog. Nice to see you again.

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