Monday, May 4, 2015

I'm (almost) sure my life's great

I know there have been so many things that's caused my life to go topsy turvy since the start of January, but just to share some positivity and so that it doesn't sound like I'm too whiny, here are some things on why I think my life this 2015 is going great so far:

  • I have a solid group of friends now. I mean, I can probably hang out with a lot of people in my organization and everything, but these are the people who I've grown close to and have grown close to each other, and it feels great to belong to this group. It's always a routine for us now, I don't know why, but we go home so late, like 3 AM, and we regret it in the morning, of course, but we choose to hang out again LOL. 
  • I'm doing well in my speech classes, yay! They're really fun that sometimes, I wish our course had a choice for minoring because I would totally minor in Speech Communication. Great professors with such applicable lessons, ugh I wish I had more time to take these classes. They're so great. 
  • I'm trying to make my last year in UP count and to be the best, that's why I've committed myself to running for both my org and for my batch. I know, it might be taking on more than I want, but hey, it might be the last time that I can. I wanna enjoy my senior year as much as I can. 
  • I'm learning to take things one step at a time and to focus. One thing I've noticed about myself is how I easily get rattled because of so many things that need to get done and one thing that's also been clear is that all I need to do is BE ORGANIZED and FOCUS. I'm trying my best to do that now. 
  • I'm on my way to finding love, I hope? I don't know, I really hope the latter half of the year will be dedicated to knowing someone better and actually be in a relationship before my undergrad years end.
That's it for now. Let me know if you wanna hear more about my life so we can get coffee or something ahahahaha. 

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