Saturday, December 8, 2012

Let It Be Cold (please)

I just finished reading Let It Snow! I was supposed to finish this during the semestral break but I was too sidetracked with friends and family (who I now miss) that I do not regret not reading it until now. It was a pretty great book, especially because it recounted three Christmas love stories with different degrees of aesthetic chills to them.

I know I haven't been blogging a lot these past few weeks and I'm sorry because school and homework and stuff have taken over my life but I promise that I shall blog more because IT'S ONE WEEK BEFORE CHRISTMAS BREAK, BITCHES!

All I really want for Christmas is to have something similar to what Jubilee and Stuart or Tobin and Angie or Addie and Jeb had in Let It Snow. PLEASE. For once. :(

Okay, gonna read another book. Bye!

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