Saturday, November 24, 2012

So many feels

I don't know if guys have their own version of PMS but I've been very emotional lately, like I can't even explain why I'm like this. All of these feelings are abundant in my posts and tweets. I don't know what I've been eating or drinking or sniffing that's making me like this. Or is this a part of the whole coming-of-age bullshit that people talk about? I JUST FEEL SO CONFLICTED, OKAY?

I can't even get my thoughts right, more so my words. I just want a love story of my own. It shouldn't be, and I expect it not be, perfect. All I want is for someone to constantly be there for me; to tell me what he thinks of what I'm wearing, to carry my stuff when I'm too tired to even walk, to tell me that I look good even if I feel really crappy. It may seem selfish but I feel like I'm longing for it, and it feels like shit. Nobody shows interest in you; you like people who don't like you back. I am depressed by that fact.

Maybe this want will remain a want, I don't know. Uncertainty. I hate it so much. I just wish somebody would admit their feelings for me then we'd elope to Europe or something. And that will also remain a wish.

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