Sunday, November 25, 2012

Dear Future Lover

Hi there! This is the person you are probably cuddling up next to right now or laughing with while having breakfast. You should probably know that I've been waiting for you since forever. Well, maybe not forever but it feels like I've been waiting for such a long time for you to arrive in my life. You may not be my ideal guy but I know that you will love me because you will be there for me in all my struggles and successes.

You might already know that when I talk a lot that means I'm pretty happy and certain with myself and that when I keep my mouth shut and put on a poker face is when I feel the saddest. You might also know that I overthink things very easily so you help me not to do that and tell me that everything's going to be okay. I hope you understand the constant struggle that you are facing when you're with me because I tend to change my mood a lot but you also might already know that hugs fix everything for me. And just in case we're just starting out, here are a few things about me that you should never forget:

I love theme parks and Disney movies so if you wanna cheer me up (because I get emotional easily), we can go ride rollercoasters together and maybe watch the Princess Diaries until our eyes bleed, that would make me really happy.

 I love "life" moments. I love moments that make me say "wow" and appreciate life. A fireworks display, a lantern parade (which is coming up), or even just looking at the stars. I love talking deeply about life too so be ready for questions like that.

 I like cuddling, who doesn't? As I have said, any disappointments can be fixed by hugs for me. I just really love hugs. They comfort me in ways that words never will. It feels like I'm connected to the person I'm hugging so if you see even the littlest frown on my face, you know what to do.

I'm very random, so please bear with me. I act out of instinct sometimes or I just get weird because I want to. I would like to think that this would be your most and least favorite quality about me.

I love it when compliments are given at random. Please throw in a " you look good today" when we see each other or "you're so cute", that would already make my day.

And most of all, I want you to be there for me; when I'm sad or happy or angry or indifferent, I just want you to be there by my side and I promise you I will do the same.

I hope we have our happy ending. I love you, whoever you are.

(I am so not good at this kind of thing)

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