Thursday, October 25, 2012


In times where everything is so fast-paced and problems surface every day, taking a break is one of the best ideas ever. EVER. EVER. Doubt me not because I just had the best experience ever with most wonderful people in the most amazing place ever- The Spa.

I know, I know, you can stay at home, eat, and watch TV as a form of relaxation, but going to the spa and getting a massage. hearing instrumental jazz music, smelling aromatic scents, closing those tired eyes, and feeling the masseuse press the tense muscles in your body, is a feast for your senses. Man, if I can do this everyday, I would (even if I had to spend a lot of money... which I don't have).

What's more is that you enjoy a break from life when the company you have makes you feel at peace with yourself and just plain happy. For all the laughs and chatter today, I thank <a href="">Lesh</a>, <a href="">Tommy</a>, and <a href="">Andrea</a>. You have made me a happy camper and I hope this becomes our own little tradition every time we have the chance to spend a day with each other. I love you, guys!

Since it's semestral break for most people in the P.I. and I want you guys to take a break, why not visit a spa or massage center and get a chance to relax for a day and just forget about the world for a little while. I'm pretty sure you won't regret the experience!

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