Tuesday, July 9, 2013

Bio 1 kills

This was my first school day as an official app for both PUGAD Sayk and AIESEC. I exhilarated this morning to know that I'd be meeting a lot of new people this semester. A lot of new people because, apart from those 2 orgs I just mentioned, I am an also an official applicant for Babaylan and SIKAT. "Why join 4 orgs in one sem, Ruod?" you might say? I say, because I can, fool.

So my morning went a-okay because I got to see some familiar faces and some new ones, which made me happy, like the kind of happy you feel when somebody gives you ice cream FOR FREE.

Italian was nothing special today except for the fact that I've noticed how some freshies are so indifferent when it comes to national or local issues. It bothers me a lot because they're part of the society and they're in UP, which is totally a big enough reason to care about what happens around them. It frustrates me that they don't because that's part of the UP experience: getting to know the people of the Philippines and how you can make the country better for them. So, yeah, it sucks.

I had Bio 1 after my Italian class so I headed to that building only to find out the second half of this semester will be taught by no other than Dr. Amparado, the (in)famous Bio 1 prof of the university. Sure, I was all calm in the outside when our professor announced it but inside I was like, "DEAR GOD HAVE MERCY ON MY SOUL WTF IS WRONG WITH THE WORLD HOLY SHIT FUUUUUUU" I was starting to be very appreciative of our professor (Enrique Frio) right now and then he was going to be replaced by the devil wears (I don't think she owns) Prada?!

It's either a make or break for me, honestly. I can either take this as a time to raise my white flag and give up or pack up some more ammo and take this as a challenge.As much as I'd like to do the former, I would really want to experience this professor to see if what they say is true. As of now, I'll be enjoying my last few meetings with Mr. "Where, Bro?" I hope this semester won't kill me. SOS

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Yuki said...

I used to be kind of (but not entirely) indifferent before getting into UP, too. And it's difficult to stay that way in the Uni, what will all the exposure you get to social issues. So don't worry... Dem freshies will learn to care eventually. :)

Also, good luck on your Biology!!!

Aianne said...

Are you from the 2:30-4:00 class? Uh because if you are i think we're classmates hihi. Hi!

Aianne said...

I was looking for his website where he uploads all his lectures and then i stumbled upon your lovely blog. :)

Ruod A. said...

Thanks for reading my blog, Yuki and Aianne!

Yuki, thanks so much! Hopefully, they'll come to their senses soon! :) And thanks!

Aianne, why, yes I am! WE'RE CLASSMATES OMG! :D Thanks for calling my blog lovely. :> See you in class!