Sunday, November 11, 2012

My disorder

People self-diagnose themselves with different psychology abnormalities all the time. Just a view of the symptoms and they suddenly assume that they have this certain disorder (Hi, Lesh). In the same vein, I've come to find out that I have a disorder myself: I binge shop.

Why not give me something like binge study or binge memorize or something I could use for school, why binge shopping? The thing about binge shopping is spending so much money on clothes that will wear out in the end, but yeah, I still buy them because THEY LOOK SO COOL and they work for me. You cannot fathom how much money I have spent in total for all my binge shopping moments. HUHUHUHU.

I wish I'd stop but it's retail therapy and yes, it does feel therapeutic. If anyone is reading this, please comment down below other less expensive suggestions for destressing because I am getting poorer by the day. PLEASE HELP ME.

Is there like a shopaholic circle here in the metro and we all just go, "Hi, I'm *insert name here*, and I'm a shopaholic." Just like in the movie but, you know, with real feelings and how none of us can resist the urge of buying stuff we might not even need in the future.

I shall stop binge shopping now. I do not need more stuff. I am okay with the stuff I have. I do not need new clothes... OH, LOOK, SUCH A CUTE BAG! Agh, fuck it.

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