Sunday, November 4, 2012


I've never been the type to handle goodbyes well the first time it happens. I cry about it. I might blog about it like what I'm doing right now, or I talk to my close friends about it. These comfort me enough to feel numb about saying goodbye to something or someone.

This time, I say goodbye to Iloilo for a second time and it hurt more than it did the first time around. It may be due to my short stay there after 5 months of being in Manila or it may be the people there or the place itself. Whatever it is, I just didn't want to say goodbye yet.

I know it might only be a month of school before Christmas break again but that's still one month away from home.

I woke up a while ago thinking that I was still in Iloilo, but when I fully opened my eyes, I realized I was somewhere else, and I felt depressed. Goodbyes can be a bitch.

But goodbyes also teach us that we have to move on with life; that we can't stay in one point of our life and not move forward. We have to, even if it hurts, even if it means leaving some loved ones behind.

I just wish there was some way to get to Iloilo via a train or other land vehicles in a snap. Sigh.

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