Friday, October 19, 2012

Of cooties and icky stuff

I've been holding back writing about this because, one, this is the internet, duh, two, I'm scared the people I talk about in this post will see it, and three, I might be judged the wrong but, like I care, right? HAHAHA. I do, it's just that I really need a place to sum up my feelings about this.

First of all, I'd like to clear things out: I'm bisexual, which just means I like girls and boys, although right now, I'm teetering towards the testosterone section. It's been a long time since I've known I like boys but I've been open about it since my sophomore year in high school. Not all of my family members know but I get the feeling that they have a clue already. And don't think I'm awkward about talking to people that I like guys because THAT IS SO NOT ME. :))) Judge me and I will puncture your spine with a pencil. Just kidding. O:)

So onwards to my story, I've found two guys cute in Geography (LAMNA. :))) ) but they're from another team (luckily). I'm gonna change their name and some parts of my story for privacy purposes. Let's name them John and Mark (HAHAHA. GOSPEL NAMES BUT OKAY).

Okay, so maybe I won't tell you why I like them but they are just so cute and exactly my type and I have no idea what to do because I only speak with them on a hi-hi basis and most of the time, it ends there. BUT WHY MUST IT END THERE, GUYS? HUHUHUHU.

I just really want to talk to you guys and get to know you just to confirm if I've chosen someone I really like but I never get the chance because I'm shy to look like I'm imposing a conversation on us. I should probably man up but what if nothing happens? Sigh, these things.

Oh well, I just really hope I get to talk to both of you. :))

In other news, I have 7 viewers from the US and a viewer from Germany! :D Hello there, guys! It's so cool knowing that your thoughts are being read by people from other countries. Okay, bye!

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