Friday, October 19, 2012

Random Thoughts

This day just officially ended my first semester in college and I had a blast! But before anything else, I would like to congratulate my bestestbestbestfriend for getting into the University Scholars list in the University of the Philippines-Visayas! I am so proud of you, Lesh (if you wanna see her blog, it's in my sidebar under the button "friends")! I know you can keep this up until you become the first ever Summa cum Laude of UPV! :) I am so excited to see you in a few days! I love you!

Anyway, I went to school this morning to help Sir Jayson, our Geography professor, set up for the film awarding we were going to have in the afternoon (and by help I mean watching the films beside him and talking with him until the other people from the other teams arrived).

I've been thinking how this would be the last thing that I would do that's part of my first semester in college. Time flies so fast, right? I feel like I just graduated and now the first half of my freshman year in college is already done. Or maybe I'm just a sentimental bitch, take your pick. Either way, my sem was going to end.

During the awarding, I saw almost all the people I've spent time with during the Geography camp and the whole semester. I feel sad knowing that I've created strong bonds with some of these people and just like that we're not going to see each other as often anymore. Regardless of that happening, I am pretty grateful that I have spent a whole semester with the funnest people and, of course, the funnest teacher.

To my teammates, the Blue-tangina (WALA NA. LADLARAN NA. =))) ) team, thank you so so much for making my first sem in UP feel special and welcome. You guys will never be forgotten. All the memories and jokes and laughs we have shared with each other will remain in me until we go into our own separate lives after college. I just hope that whatever we had as a group will never be lost and that we keep our closeness as a class (even if we can't be called a class anymore. HUHUHUHUHU).

To the most wonderful and the best Geography professor ever, Sir Jayson, I am very grateful that I have taken your subject. You made me learn about geography concepts but more than that, you made me meet people who are now special to me plus we also met you not just as our teacher, but as our friend. Thank you so much for telling us to be ourselves and never give in to social constructions. I don't think my UP life would have been complete if I didn't meet you. Rest assured that wherever you may be in this world, I will always remember you for your jokes and fun times. I will miss you!

I will never ever forget Geog 1 with Jayson Cruz and the funnest classmates/semmates ever! I love you all!

Moreover, on a very positive, I am done with anything that has to do with the words "school", "readings", "studying", and "professors" for two whole weeks which I will be spending in Iloilo! TIME TO LOUNGE AROUND AND HANG WITH FRIENDS! SEM BREAK COMMENCING!

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